Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Home Page Internet 5 Simple Tips For Boosting Your Home Business Success!

One of the joys of running your own business from home is the freedom it gives you to spend your time exactly the way you want to. However in order to ensure that you can enjoy that luxury you must first of all make certain that you have an effective plan for managing the time you spend working in your business. It is essential to become the master of your own time and one of the secrets of effective time management is to split your goals, plans, tasks, and activities into workable projects and then to have a realistic plan for completing them. To help you here are five tips guaranteed to get you heading along the right track: Plan Ahead Ensure you always plan ahead. Use a diary or journal and schedule the dates when you are to carry out certain tasks. It may be that you need to do something next week, next month or even on a certain date next year. It really doesn't matter, just be sure to have it planned and written down. Allocate Enough Time Be sure that you have sufficient time for completion of your projects. Setting unrealistic deadlines will only act to make you less efficient. So think about everything that really has to be accomplished to get a project done, Write each thing down, and schedule the right amount of time accordingly. When doing this it's always important to consider what elements are dependant upon other people and making sure that they too will have enough time. Limit Your Expectations Don't expect to be able to get too much done each work session. Again it's vital that you set realistic targets for each part of the project. You'll find that you will be far more productive by working in short bursts. Take a Break Take time to recharge your batteries. Working on something important when you are over-tired is always going to be counter-productive - any mistakes you make will have to be corrected later and might prove costly. So take regular breaks and get right away from your work. A short exercise break can work wonders! Reward Yourself When you complete each part and especially when the whole project is completed do something to reward yourself. It's not that important what it is -maybe a round of golf, a nice meal, even just a long soak in the tub. Just do it and you will see the benefits as you move onto the next task. There is a lot of hard work that will be needed to make a success of your home business but being organized and efficient is essential. So there is much you need to learn and put into place in your business but by following these five simple tips you will find it all so much easier.

By : Tony Hall

The REAL SECRET to Consistent Commission Checks

It's important that you understand something about affiliate marketing from the very beginning -Earning affiliate income isn't easy for the average person.Let's face it, there are 50 gazillion other people out there doing the exact same thing you are doing - if you could remember what it is that you are doing. :)So, that's what I want to address. Here's the mindset that I want you to remember: there are only so many customers out there. And each affiliate in the program is doing basically the same thing to try to reach them.That's why you are going to be different. Got it?Before I jump into what I consider to be the "real secret" to earning commissions with affiliate programs, let me share with you a basic concept that is going to be important to what you are going to learn today.Here is how the average affiliate approaches promoting their affiliate link...A) Send out a mailing. Purchase ezine ads. Get a few pay-per-click keywords. Post a few links. Make a small profit. Get discouraged. Move on to the next affiliate program.Or, if they are slightly more aggressive...B) Send out a mailing. Purchase ezine ads. Get a few pay-per-click keywords. Post a few links. Write a few articles. Create an eBook. Do a joint venture. Swap ads. And they continue promoting that same affiliate program until they (along with a few other aggressive affiliates) have found every potential customer on the face of the earth. Make a decent profit. Where do I go now? Move on to the next affiliate program.While I certainly agree that the "slightly more aggressive" affiliate is on the right trail with their approach, it still leaves a common problem that all affiliates have...Finding NEW customers.You make an affiliate sale. Great. You make another one. Great. You keep working and working and working to make another sale and another sale and another sale. Now, remember, there are a gazillion others out there trying to do the same thing. And, even if all of these other affiliates only make one or two sales each.....that's a LOT of customers that you WON'T be selling to!For example: If there are 10,000 affiliates promoting Product A and they all, on average, sell just 2 copies each, that's 20,000 customers that are immediately unavailable for you to sell to.Doesn't matter how hard you promote and how much you do, you WILL NOT sell them a second copy of something they have already bought. Even if they love it. They won't buy another copy.So, here's the "real secret." While everyone is promoting the heck out of all of the same programs you are, you need to refine who it is that you are promoting.***Bottom line: Start FOCUSING on those affiliate programs that offer MONTHLY commissions.Here's why. Let's say you promote an absolutely awesome product by Mr. Guru that sells for $29.97. And Mr. Guru gives you 50% commission. By the time all of the processing fees are out of the way, you earn about $14.00 for a new customer.And you're done with that customer -- it's time to move on and find the next guy.HOWEVER, if you promote an affiliate program that pays MONTHLY, let's say a membership site, then here's what you would find happens...The membership site is $27.00 PER MONTH. You earn $13.50 per MONTH for every referral you make for as LONG AS THEY REMAIN ACTIVE!With the $29.97 product, you earn $14.00 for all of your efforts in finding a customer. One time commission. That's it. Time to find another customer. With the MONTHLY service, you earn about the same commission for that same customer. Then, next month you earn that commission over again! Month after that, you're still earning that same commission from that same customer. For each and every month that the customer continues to use the service you continue to bring in the commission without finding a new customer.Do you see the potential here?It makes much more sense to focus on promoting affiliate programs that bill monthly and pay commissions monthly. That way, you continue to earn profits from the...Same customer base!If I am going to buy ads and purchase pay-per-click keywords and create eBooks and bust my behind to get those customers, I'd sure rather get paid every month (without doing a bit of extra work, mind you!) that to only earn a one-time commission.While this isn't as good as MONTHLY income, choosing an affiliate program that offers you LIFETIME customers is the next best thing. For example: With some programs when you recruit a customer , they are yours for life. If they purchase future product releases, then YOU receive the commission as the original referrer. It's a good second option, but it's not as good as getting paid monthly! So, what should you promote? Your eyes have been opened. You've seen the light. You realize that what you've just read does make sense. And you want to get paid monthly!So, what should you promote? While you definitely need to check things out yourself and make that determination on your own, let me give you a short list of TYPES of offers that you can promote that bill monthly and award monthly commission checks.* PLR AND RESALE RIGHTS CLUBS* MEMBERSHIP SITES* WEB HOSTING* AUTORESPONDERS AND LIST MANAGEMENT TOOLS* COACHING CLUBS* PAID NEWSLETTERS* SERVICES (AD TRACKING, LEGAL DOCS, MANAGEMENT, ETC.)The important thing is for you to identify at least one really good affiliate program that offers residual income possibilities for you.Once you find the right program to promote, it's a matter of getting as many different people to click on your link as possible. How would you like to have someone teach you ONE simple way to promote your affiliate links every week? Read on for details...

By : Jimy D. brown

Internet and Business Online - Getting Past the 30 Second Back Click

What does the average online consumer know about your business?Let's operate on the assumption they know nothing about your business other than the fact it showed up in an online search for something they were looking for. Curiosity led them to your site - what will keep them there?If that consumer stops on your home page what will they find that will compel them to offer you more than a few seconds of their time?What will consumers find on your home page that will engage their senses enough to take a crucial second step in trust (they will need to take many such steps)?If you're not sure you might need to evaluate your home page very carefully. Does it rely on attractive design alone or does it offer something more substantial.You may be surprised to know that while consumers like a beautifully designed website they are the first to recognize that this exterior is only window dressing for something more - or less. It will always remain content that will help consumers view your site as either worthy on a second or subsequent trust step or a quick click on the back button.Delivery is KeyYou will need to take the same principle used in making genuine maple syrup to your approach to website development. It should be reduced until only the best 'stuff' is available. Maple sap by itself isn't all that appetizing, but under the guidance of a syrup maker the flavor becomes something of a treasure for many. This is the idea of quality content for your site visitor.They might bite the bulletBy providing your content in chunks of information with headlines and bullet points you may be surprised to find that consumers may stick around a lot longer. They may be drawn in by the ability to scan interesting headings and bullet points. When they find something they like they will linger looking for more details. It may not end in an immediate sale, but it does provide some quality impression marketing.Get to the pointIf you offer something specific don't make your visitor guess what you offer while they wade through information that may actually be secondary to your actual purpose. Make the first things your first priority.Make everything uniformYour site should be easy to navigate and consumers should be able to access every area of your site within two clicks. This could be through a site map or from your main menu. Don't expect site visitors to be happy in a virtual labyrinth of pages that seem to stand alone and lead nowhere but deeper into your website without a simple way to get back.Make sure that whatever your site theme and objective is matched in the tone of your presentation and in the text you provide on each page.ContactThe consumer should find a FAQ section that can help answer questions, but they should also find a comprehensive way to contact you - and that link should be easily found on all pages. It's hard to trust a company that only extends a contact link once a sale has been made.These are just a few site enhancement ideas that can help you engage your potential customers in a way that is both meaningful and potentially profitable.

By : Scot

Blogging as the Mayor of Business Blog Village

Community. That's what you're building with a business blog. You are establishing yourself as the Mayor of your online village and you are hoping the citizens show up soon. If they don't drop by eventually you need to ask yourself why.Many blogs are simply struggling to survive instead of thrive. They are filled with information, but very little of it is worth getting too excited about. The delivery is ho hum and there are very few new informational posts. They simply regurgitate what others have already said. The citizens of your blog community post a collective yawn and forget to hit send.In order for there to be the excitement needed for your blog you've got to provide your readers with new information, new facts, expert analysis and you've absolutely got to be passionate about what you're talking about. Yes, allow dissenting opinion, but defend your leadership position by providing members who disagree with further proofs when needed. Another question you need to ask yourself is if you care enough about the product or subject matter to express the vulnerability of passion.The truth is you can be an articulate spokesperson for your blog subject, you could be a random informationalist with no real vested interest in how the work is received, or you could even be perceived as a cyber bully who can't stand to be contradicted. If I were you I'd aim for the first - an articulate spokesperson.When you can accurately defend your position in a diplomatic and articulate fashion you present yourself as a leader who has the expertise to pass along valuable data to the readers. Many readers may want to know if you are the individual they would like to follow when it comes to information gathering and vision casting for what they are doing.You will need links and interviews to compliment your own expertise. You might need to occasionally think outside the box on common issues. You will need to invest time and patience in developing practical and thought provoking material for your readers. You will need to make visiting your blog as much of an event as possible.How are you doing so far?If you get a press release you would like to share with your readers you might consider sending a blog post with the information along with links as well as a personal analysis regarding what the information means to your readers. Many bloggers err in this concept because all they do is simply pass along the press release with no meaningful leadership. Your readers can find that exact press release in virtually any blog on a topic similar to yours. It may be good information, but it's not unique until you make it so.You should also add applicable pictures or graphics to each blog post. Add bullet points of subheadings for the scanners in your online village. Blog readers are no different than most of the rest of the online world - they are scanners first and foremost. By drawing them visually to the most important concepts you can help them come to terms with what information they might want to read most. This can keep those scanners coming back more often.Assign some passion and expertise to your blog it may go a long way in allowing your constituents to view you as their leader.

By : Scott Lindsay